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Member of the Month: Valeria Corona

Each month the Boys & Girls Club of the Coastside recognizes one young person as Member of the Month. We would like to congratulate….Valeria Corona, Cunha 6th Grader.

Valeria prioritizes academics, asks for help when needed, and sets an excellent example for her peers by handling situations with maturity and patience. Now that she completes her homework at the Club, she has more time to enjoy her favorite activities. 

The Club has made a big impact on Valeria’s life. Before starting at the Club, she went home to play outside or on her phone. Sometimes she finished her homework. However, at the Club, Valeria finishes most of her homework and participates in other Club activities she enjoys — like painting, cooking and playing volleyball. She just started playing this year and joined Cunha’s 6th-grade volleyball team.

“I am very grateful for BGCC!I appreciate the help with homework, snacks, drinks, and anything I need!” Valeria is also very thankful for being alive and spending time with her family.

She identified her natural superpower as helping her family clean and cook. However, if she could choose a superpower it would be to fly!

When she grows up, Valeria wants to be a nurse to help people. No doubt her maturity, patience and diligence will serve her well.

Keep soaring, Valeria!

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