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The Boys & Girls Club of the Coastside is a place to go for fun, for meeting friends, for caring adult support. It is a place to learn and grow through life enhancing programs and character development experiences. We are about hope and opportunity.

We are affiliated with the Boys & Girls Clubs of America, have a trained professional staff, and a caring Board of Directors.

We nurture young people’s self-esteem by instilling a sense of belonging, usefulness, influence and competence. With daily activities and programs that are age appropriate and well-rounded, we provide our youth with the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to pursue their dreams and succeed in life.

All our activities fall into 5 core areas:

  • Character & Leadership Development
  • Education and Career Development
  • Health & Life Skills
  • The Arts
  • Sports, Fitness & Recreation

Founded in 1994, the non-profit Boys & Girls Club of the Coastside relies on the generous support of individual donors, foundations, and volunteers to support our local youth in reaching their full potential as productive, caring, and responsible citizens.

The Club is located on the Cunha Middle School Campus, 600 Church Street, Half Moon Bay, CA, (650)712-9710.