Jill Jacobson
Executive Director
Kerri Beffa Conlon
Community Ambassador
Rolando Madrid
Sr. Program Director
David Aliamus
Operations Director
Sandra Sarabia
Cunha Site Director
Diana Cariaga
Cunha Site Manager
Zitlali Huerta
Teen Manager
Bella Evans
Youth Behavioral Specialist
Michelle Sansot
Accounting Manager
Birgitta Istock
Marketing and Communications
Lou Gilberto
Office Coordinator
Program Team
Mia Abundis
Juliana Aguilar
Naomi Aguilar
David Billington
Liza Brownstowne
Lance Dorn
Cynthia Hernandez Avila
Joseignacio “Iggy” Lira
AJ Orada
Omar Ramirez
Carmen Ramirez
Click here to read more of our staff profiles
Jill Jacobson, Executive Director
Jill Jacobson, the Boy and Girls Club of the Coastside Executive Director, is a professional educator with a background in non-profit and small business management.
Jacobson, a Coastside resident for more than 25 years, earned a bachelor’s degree in political science and history from the University of Michigan and master’s degree and secondary teaching credential from San Jose State. Her experience in youth development includes directing the Youth Community Service Palo Alto/East Palo Alto program and serving as Deputy Director of the Service Learning 2000 Center at Stanford University. She served as the Associate Director of Development at Charles Armstrong School.
Locally, Jacobson volunteers on the Board of Directors for Senior Coastsiders and previously served as Treasurer of the Half Moon Bay High School Foundation and President of the Hatch Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization.
Jacobson can be reached at jill@bgccoastside.org