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Member of the Month: Lupita Espinoza

Each month the Boys & Girls Club of the Coastside recognizes one young person as Member of the Month. This month we honor Guadalupe “Lupita” Espinoza. She is a Hatch Elementary 5th grader — and the first Member of the Month awarded from our new Elementary Program.

Lupita stands out because of her positive attitude, active participation and athletic skills. During a recent knockout basketball game, She demonstrated her supportive and kind nature when she cheered everyone on! She modeled her athletic skills by scoring the winning point in a ‘class vs class’ soccer game. Not surprisingly, her favorite activity at BGCC is playing sports — particularly soccer.

She says her superpower is that she is good at sports. She has outstanding balance — which she developed while taking gymnastics where the balance beam was her favorite. She is particularly confident in her Volleyball skills. When she grows up, she would like to be a volleyball player! 

She likes to go outside and to the park in her free time. She is very thankful for her family. Before coming to BGCC, she attended the Eagle Club at Hatch — which currently sponsors our 5th-grade elementary program. How does she like BGCC?  Lupita says “I would not change a thing about the Club!”

Ready, set, match! We look forward to seeing Lupita on the volleyball court in the future!

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